Corporate key performance indicators

To advance our strategic goals and initiatives, corporate key performance indicators (KPIs) are set annually for KMG’s management. These KPIs are developed taking into account the Company’s priority objectives and a need to strike a balance between production, financial, and sustainability metrics. The list of KPIs includes mandatory indicators related to industrial and occupational safety. At the end of each year, the assessment of performance against these KPIs is used to determine the remuneration of KMG employees who are subject to the performance evaluation.

The 2023 corporate KPIs and functional KPIs of the Management Board members were aimed at successfully implementing investment projects, achieving planned production and financial targets, and fulfilling our ESG goals.

Improved efficiency across the Company’s value chain
Performance under priority investment projects 80% (2022: 54.02%)

Scheduled project activities were completed as part of four out of five projects:

  • Upgrade and expansion of the Astrakhan–Mangyshlak water pipeline
  • Construction of a desalination plant in Kenderly with a daily capacity of 50,000 m3
  • Integrated gas chemical complex construction (Phase 2 – polyethylene production)
  • Construction of a new gas processing plant in Zhanaozen

See the Performance under Investment Projects section

Oil and gas condensate production 23,490In accordance with the asset list included in the calculation of target KPIs. KMG’s total oil and gas condensate production was 23,532 thous. tonnes. thous. tonnes (2022: 22,012 thous. tonnes )

This indicator measures oil and gas condensate production from operating assets and major oil and gas assets attributable to the Company.

See the Upstream section

EBITDA margin, excluding trading 40% (2022: 29.3%)

This indicator measures the Company’s profitability and shows the percentage of revenue retained by the Company before taxes, interest on loans, and depreciation and amortisation.

See the Financial Review section

Total shareholder return (TSR) 43.1% (indicator introduced in 2023)

This indicator measures return on invested capital.

43.1% = (Closing share price at the end of 2023 (29 December 2023) of KZT 11,541 – Initial share price (at IPO on 8 December 2022) of KZT 8,406 + Dividends of KZT 491.71 per share) / Initial share price (at IPO on 8 December 2022) of KZT 8,406 * 100%

See the Shareholder and Investor Relations section

Sustainable development and gradual reduction in carbon intensity of production
Comprehensive OHS indicator

Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR): 0.30 (2022: 0.36%)

Identification and reporting of unsafe condition / unsafe behaviour / unsafe action / hazardous event / hazardous factor: 12,240 Qorgau cards

This indicator consists of two components Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR) and Qorgau OHS сard completion

See the Health, Safety and Environment section

Estimated KPI achievement rates. The final approval by KMG’s Board of Directors of the actual values for 2023 is expected in July 2024.