JSC NC KazMunayGas

On HR issues


Public relations

Environment, health and safety

Sustainable development


On corporate security issues

On issues of interaction with shareholders and investors

Sponsorship and Charity

The single charity operator of Samruk‑Kazyna corporate group is Samruk‑Kazyna Trust Social Projects Development Foundation


  • Tel: +7 (7172) 78 61 80
  • All procurement of goods, works and services of the company are held under the Procurement Procedure of JSC «National welfare Fund «Samruk‑Kazyna» in an electronic format on the website.
  • JSC NC «KazMunayGas» does not sell petroleum products.
  • We also remind you that since April 1, 2019, the operation of gas stations is carried out by a new owner – “Petro‑retail” LLP


You may inform on any violations of the Code of conduct, including cases of corruption, discrimination, unethical behavior and other violations. We guarantee. Confidentiality and anonymity. Processing of 100% of messages.


Hotline «Nysana»